What’s Included?
Food for Me Teacher Guide
Digital only. The Teacher Guide provides all the background information you need to teach the program’s four lessons. Plus, it includes ready-to-use student and teacher assessment tools and an optional English Language Arts extension activity.
Food for Me Student Workbook
The Student Workbook includes activity worksheets to guide students in each lesson.
Food for Me Slide Decks
The slide decks contain the video, background information, activity instructions, and discussion questions required to teach each lesson. Suggested speaking notes and additional information for teachers is provided in the notes section of each slide.
Food for Me Nutrient Graphs
Digital only. The nutrient graphs are a detailed 8.5 × 11" card set to use as a teaching tool.
Food for Me Videos
The Canada’s Food Guide transformation videos introduce the lesson and are embedded in the slide decks. If the embedded video does not play, use the link in the notes section.